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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Two Of Us

Paul McCartney - (i) inspired by photo by Linda McCartney

Everyday, I'm lucky to be married. My wife supports my life, plain and simple. I wouldn't be doing what I am now if it weren't for her. I might've someday as I knew I was an artist, but not with the gusto I have currently.

Someday we'll ultimately move to London. We were lucky enough to get to see Abbey Road, taking each other's picture in the re-painted but still famous crosswalk. I'm hopeful my art will take us there to live.

See, while my public goal with my Vinyl Art is to change the world by solving the problem of how to connect you with your music, your culture and with humanity in a way more personal and deep, my private goal is to change my wife's world. Plain and simple.

I feel bad for Paul, losing Linda. Makes me cry if I think about it too much.


Paul McCartney 04/15/09

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