Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mind Expansion (Or What Turns You On?)

Steve Winwood - (i) inspired by photo by David Gahr

Steve Winwood and Traffic participated in that magical time of the late '60s/early '70s, that explosion of human creativity and cultural upheaval.

I've talked before about expanding my horizons and motivating myself as an artist. Beyond that, I'm feeling the need to broaden my horizons in general, not just with regards to art. I'm talking about inspiration from humanity.

My wife, my in-laws, our new puppy and I are driving to Austin this weekend to visit Jenn and the girls for a week. We're going to see the Menil Collection/Rothko Chapel down in Houston again and other fun stuff, so that'll be inspiring in a lot of ways. We're also going to be there during the first week of SXSW. I don't know if we're going to attend any events, but the city will be teeming with creativity and culture. So that'll be cool too.

Also, I'm in contact with a local guy who is connected with cool people in worlds very different from mine, but who're also interested in human creativity and culture. We'll see what comes of it fairly quickly, I'm thinking. Should be fun, breaking out of my comfort zone.

Beyond that, I'd like to ask something of you. Will you tell me one online source of inspiration for you? Like your favorite blog or a cool set of photos on Flickr or whatever. Really? You will? Thank you so much!


Steve Winwood 03/03/09


  1. Hi there!

    I have to say that ThisIsStar.com (Star St. Germain's site) is usually replete with ideas and links to interesting things. She makes it her business to be a fascinating person, so it's hard to be bored by her content. Also, she's very multimedia-oriented, and she posts videos, illustrations, songs she's working on, websites, etc.

    See you in church. =)

  2. I agree, Traffic represented the collision of musical genre and Steve Winwood is Master. In fact; I was just saying to a friend yesterday that true creativity knows no border, and that Steve Winwood probably could do many more things, but keeps to his musical discipline.

    Music is the only thing perhaps that is not really important to life, but yet: all important too?!



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