Thursday, December 4, 2008

This Is Cool

John LurieAfter writing yesterday's post, I got to pondering what is cool.

John Lurie is cool. Having worked with Tom Waits on music and movies, the man is who he is. And so SO cool. I mean he was in Stranger Than Paradise, plays esoteric, raucous, funky jazz, and can't fish worth a damn. Come on! He even dies with Willem Dafoe in that last one while ice fishing. Really, he does. It's in the documentary category.

He's in the group with Glenn Gould, David Lynch, and William S. Burroughs. Yeah. He's that kinda cool, too cool for shoes.


John Lurie 12/04/08


  1. Yes Mr. Lurie is indeed very, very cool. What a great tribute. Thank you for putting this into the world. I hope Mr. Lurie has seen this work. God Bless the artists. Toni

  2. This is awesome!

    One of my life's best memories is watching Fishing With John with Willem Dafoe. I'm glad you have such a great appreciation for the legend that is John Lurie!

  3. Thanks @Wharved! Yeah, I cracked up at the end of that episode. The way the narrator said they'd died, hilarious.


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